Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Missing Mission : Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar

It is really strange to shift the implementing agencies of Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar from MPPP/MPSP to Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah.
I have posted an email to request an MP from PR to raise question on PPKB in Parliament.
It is related to aides for the poor under the PPKB program which is consist of :
  • Bantuan Sewa Rumah,
  • Bantuan Kemasukan Ke Sekolah / IPT,
  • Bantuan Kos Pengangkutan Ke Sekolah,
  • Bantuan Kos Jagaan Kanak-kanak Ke TASKA / TADIKA / Individu / Jiran,
  • Bantuan Kos Pengangkutan Ke Tempat Kerja,
  • Bantuan Kos Rawatan Dialisis Buah Pinggang,
  • Bantuan Latihan Dan Kemahiran,
  • Bantuan Ihsan Keluarga Miskin /
    Miskin Tegar di Bandar.
The "Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar (PPKB)" which the name is self-explanatory, is a program under Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, KPKT (info can find from KPKT'swebsite). The info mentions that "PPKB akan dilaksanakan di 144 Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) seluruh negara sepanjang Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMKe-9) bagi tempoh 2006-2010".
An application form can be downloaded from KPKT's website.

In Penang, this program was facilitated under MPPP and MPSP, where two committees were set up in their respective territory. However in March 18, 2009, KPKT had, in letter ref. no. (42) dlm.KPKT/BSB/19/535/14Klt.35 dated 18 Mac 2009, informed that "Pembekuan Penyaluran Bantuan Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar (PPKB)", which"KPKT telah memutuskan untuk membekukan sementara penyaluran bantuan PPKB kepada pemohon baru", and "tindakan pembekuan sementara ini adalah bagi membolehkan pihak agensi pusat membuat penyemakan dan pengesahan terhadap status pemohon baru bantuan PPKB. Permohonan baru akan dipertimbangkan setelah selesai urusan verifikasi oleh agensi pusat, yang dijangka mengambil masa di antara tiga hingga enam bulan".

From March 2009 until today, the Bahagian Kemiskinan Bandar in MPPP which I contacted has verbally confirmed the program which was earlier in "On Hold" Status, but now the program has been taken up by the Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan Negeri Pulau Pinang. But funny thing is the previous officer in charge in MPPP was not fully aware of the latest change, it sounds to me that KPKT has not informed MPPP that the facilitating task has been removed from MPPP. Even the website of KPKT is still mentioning "akan dilaksanakan di 144 Pihak BerkuasaTempatan" which I have quoted in beginning of this article.

And when I was about to finalize this article, the Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan called to update me that the task again has been shifted to Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah. Strange. The program is "Kemiskinan Bandar" but the Kementerian implementing the program is "Luar Bandar".
So, the question, where is the channel for Penangite to apply for the aides??

I checked for website "Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan Pulau Pinang"( but appeared that links was broken. Anyway by clicking the Cached still can see the information.
A search in Google with combination of keywords with both "program pembasmian kemiskinan bandar" and "Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan" get 6 results, but none of them was from Penang.
I called up the office 04-2105700 and was informed by the Unit Bantuan that the office can give me the form but was unable to confirm if the program is still open. Anyway, the program is still under KPKT's portfolio.

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