Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reduction (Discount) on Assessment for Charity Organization/NGOs
Pengurangan Kadar Cukai Pintu untuk Pertubuhan Kebajikan / NGOs

Peruntukan dalam Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976:

Pengecualian dari kadar

134. Apabila sesuatu pegangan atau mana-mana bahagiannya
digunakan semata-mata—
(a) sebagai tempat awam untuk sembahyang;
(b) sebagai tanah perkuburan atau tempat membakar mayat
awam yang berlesen;
(c) bagi sekolah awam;
(d) sebagai tempat awam bagi maksud khairat atau bagi maksud
sains, sastera atau seni halus,
dan bukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan wang, Pihak Berkuasa
Negeri boleh, menurut budi bicaranya, mengecualikan pegangan
itu atau mana-mana bahagian pegangan itu dari pembayaran apaapa

Pengecualian atau pengurangan kadar

135. Apabila sesuatu pegangan atau sesuatu bahagian daripadanya
digunakan semata-mata bagi maksud rekreasi, sosial atau kebajikan,
dan bukan untuk mendapat keuntungan wang Pihak Berkuasa Negeri
boleh, menurut budi bicaranya, mengecualikan pegangan atau
bahagian pegangan itu daripada pembayaran semua atau manamana
kadar atau boleh mengurangkan apa-apa kadar yang dikenakan
ke atas pegangan atau bahagian pegangan itu.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kawalan Kesesakan Dalam Rumah

Kerajaan Negeri mempunyai kawalan terhadap isu selaras dengan Seksyen 78 &79, Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976 (AKT) iaitu tindakan pendakwaan boleh diambil terhadap seseorang yang membenarkan sesebuah rumah diduduki dengan sebegitu penuh sesak sehingga mendatangkan bencana atau bahaya kepada kesihatan penghuninya.

Mengikut seksyen 79 “rumah sesak ialah jika rumah atau mana-mana bilik di dalamnya didapati diduduki lebih daripada kadar seorang dewasa bagi tiap-tiap 350 kaki padu ruang dalam bersih dan dalam pengiraan itu tiap-tiap orang berumur lebih daripada 10 tahun hendaklah disifatkan sebagai seorang dewasa dan dua orang kanak-kanak berumur tidak lebih daripada 10 tahun hendaklah dikira sebagai seorang dewasa”.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Low Medium Cost and Low Cost Housing Projects In Penang State for Application









Senarai Projek-projek Perumahan yang Ditawarkan untuk Permohonan - Kos Rendah dan Kos Sederhana Rendah Negeri Pulau Pinang 槟州可申请的中廉价和廉价房屋计划 Penang State Low Medium Cost and Low Cost Housing Projects for Application

Untuk Pertanyaan 询问处 For inquiries, call  :04-650 5138

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pengecualian Bayaran Balik PTPTN贷学金转奖学金

1.Kerajaan telah membuat keputusan untuk memperluaskan skop pengecualian Bayaran balik kepada peminjam yang mendapat kelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kelas Pertama bagi yang bergraduat sebelum tahun 2010. Untuk maklumat Lanjut sila rujuk ,Surat Pekeliling PTPTN Bil. 1/2012

Related information can search by:
i)  Surat Pekeliling PTPTN Bilangan 1 Tahun 2012
ii)  Pekeliling Bilangan 1 Tahun 2010

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Permohonan Baru

Permohonan Bantuan Pendaftaran Pelajar ke Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) bagi Sesi Akademik Negeri Pulau Pinang 2012/2013 peringkat Diploma Lepasan SPM / Setaraf telah dibuka mulai 17 Mei 2012 sehingga 22 Jun 2012

Permohonan bagi pelajar jurusan ijazah sarjana muda akan dibuka pada 8 Ogos 2012 sehingga 30 September 2012.  Syarat-syarat permohonan boleh diakses melalui sistem mulai tarikh tersebut.

Application for registration aid RM1000 to Penang State Higher Education institutions (universities and colleges) for Diploma SPM/equivalent graduation academic year 2012/2013 was opened from 17th May 2012 and closed on 22 June 2012. 

For postgraduate level, the application will be opened from 8/8/2012 to 30/9/2012.

2012-2013年度槟州国立大专学院、高等教育学府(文凭/证书级) 登记援助金开放至2012年6月22日

大学学士级 则从2012年8月8日开放 至 9月30日。

Link :

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to make mudball / Kaedah untuk membuat Mudball / 如何做泥球

refer http://www.mpsp.gov.my/la21/, click on Produk LA21, then click on Mudball.  For the formula of mudball, actually you can click on BIM as an alternative to the liquid needed for mudball....

You can contact me at lai.honmeng@gmail.com

Information of Low Cost & Low Medium Cost Housing in Penang State / Maklumat Projek Perumahan Kos Rendah dan Kos Sederhana Rendah Negeri Pulau Pinang / 槟州州政府廉价屋 以及 中廉价屋计划资讯

Dear Sir,

Pertaining to your questions:

1)  the website where you can find available Low Cost/Low Medium Cost in Penang State for apply is http://erumah.penang.gov.my/  ;

However, the information publish there are just only those projects which have been available at time being, or meaning that the State Govt has forwarded the qualify purchaser list to the developers for the developer to send out Offer Letter). There are also those projects not available at the moment but the applicant might want to wait as the projects will be soon available. So it is good that you call 04-650 5138 (Office of YB Wong Hon Wai, State Exco for Housing) or Housing Dept 04-650 5392 to make some inquiries.

2. For application (Low Cost - Household Income less then RM2500; Low Medium Cost - household income between RM2500 to RM3500), you can go to Housing Dept counter located in Pejabat Pentadbiran Negeri Pulau Pinang (same as MPPP collection counter) at Komtar Level 3, ask for Borang Permohonan Untuk Membeli (PN1). Form available at RM1.00.

(Tips : It is important for you to fill up the project name or at least the location so that you have higher chance to be selected).

3.  Anyway, I always advise people to "appeal" every 6 months to 1 year in order to keep their name in active list. The Appeal Form (Borang Rayuan) is in pink colour, purpose is for people to appeal those project of their choice. Form is available at free of cost.

4.  When one has particulars change (household income, address, phone number), please do update with PN2.

5.  FYI, factors/status of applicant that being considered include duration in waiting list, place of birth, marriage status, numbers of dependant, duration of stay in Penang, ex-serviceman, current dwelling status, reason of lost of current dwelling, occupation, and if there is a rejection to housing offer in the past.  (Tips : Lower income doesn't make you stand better chance as long as you are still in the range.  Applicant for low cost needs to consider the logic/feasibility of their household income against monthly housing loan instalment along with other living costs/expenses).

6.  If you think you are not getting full pictures/info from the staff in the offices mentioned above, you can contact me @ lai.honmeng@gmail.com but you have to help me by writing in the email the problem of the service of these offices.

Monday, April 23, 2012

转载自光华日报 两万东马选民双重登记 二零一二年四月十六日 晚上七时三十八分 ●杨善勇 这可是什么时代了,居然还叫净选盟从2012年第一季的选民册发现,多达2万4105名东马选民人在雪州双重登记。当中,1万5520名选民是来自沙巴,8585名选民是砂拉越原乡人。 此外,雪州也有多达7841名外国出生的新选民在本季登记,他们的身份证里出生地代号,都是注释外国出生的71。净选盟同时惊察,共有多达320人同住一个地址。净选盟联合主席沙末沙益在记者会上公告全国百姓,USCI所的大马选民册分析计划(MERAP),声称一共揭露大约40万名身份可疑的选民。眼前一切,到底是怎么一回事呢? 早前我在《当今大马》发表〈系统不觉晓,选民到处鸟〉已说,只要借助关系数据库(Relational database)连线核查,自当可以检而验之。要是懵然SQL语言里建有SELECT DISTINCT的指令,Excel试算表也有remove duplicate 的技术。既然如此,选委会何致一再错手,造就错误连篇呢?难道他们并不知道档案可以cross-check 国民登记局的名单吗?两份名单,相互对照,当可确认新的选民全部bersih。 可惜,广大民众的百思不解,仍然没有答案。例如,登记号码原该按照“男奇女偶”的规律编序,可是选委会的记录里,“他”的身份证,居然印上2544的偶数;反之,Binti的SHE,居然采用2563的奇数。如果我们并不健忘,民行党亚沙国会议员陆兆福曾经揭发 一对军人同性恋 “夫妻”:尤兹娜(Yuzina Bte Nodin,军人身份证号码:T6096236),伴侣也是一名女的:尤尼扎(Yuniza Bte Nodin,大马卡号码:750504055498)。林林总总,罄竹难书,不一而足。第13届大选如今箭在弦上,选委会名下一个个重臣一个个高官,这些年月到底怎么做事的:硬体之过,体制之错,行政之讹,人为之疏? 从709到428,从1.0到3.0,所有不可思议的荒谬,n次重现一个马来西亚的有情人间,天下的红男绿女,如今一一全看在眼里。请问选委会的领导,国家转型,此之谓乎?
转载自光华日报 公信力——槟城研究院《槟城月刊》 二零一二年四月二十二日 晚上九时四分 文:王天古月 《槟城月刊》为配合国际妇女节,在新一期的月刊遴选了16位对女性作为月刊封面,对本人来说,能刊登在州政府的权威性月刊上的女性肯定是对槟州有一定影响力及贡献的女性。但因王国慧的不入榜,帮《槟城月刊》作了个免费宣传。 由于此事件经媒体报导后,槟城研究院的两位代表了他们的看法及回应。但从他们的回应来看,不让人质疑他们的学术资格及研究能力,让这份出版成为槟州最近的笑柄。这项遴选的其中一项准绳是以曝光率“低”为准,年纪也是遴选的标准之一,而不是以绩效及能力为准则,这完全违反了槟州政府所提倡的能力、问责及透明。 槟城研究院高级执行主任沈志强,获得全球青年领袖殊荣的他,既然发表如此可笑的回应。公开遴选标准有这么困难吗?据本人所知,章瑛、陈欣瀛及麦姆纳与他拥有工作上密切的联系,她们三位一同上榜,不难让人觉得这是私私相授,以章瑛在政治上十多年的经验,知名度一定不比王国慧差,若以他所说的准绳,章瑛肯定不在榜内。而另一位只不过当了市议员区区半年,没有任何表现,既出现在这项卓越及具影响力的女性名单内? 本人觉得若是以一个人的曝光率过高,经常有上报机会为由,而把一名工作表现不俗及唯一的州行政议员排除在外,略嫌偏见及不客观。 至于槟城研究院总执行长再里尔,身为总执行长的他在下属发出如此可笑的回应后,并没有立刻把事情解决, 还说编辑的准绳属于内部的决定,更说“妮歌大卫(来自槟城的保龄球公主)也没上榜啊!”。频频被捧为准候选人再里尔, 我看首长可要把眼镜戴稳了。 现在,王国慧入不入榜已不重要,那两人高级执行人员的回应已把槟城研究机构的公信力及信服点大大降低,这将会让投资者、政府机构、私人领域对于他们日后的研究报告不敢抱有太大的信心。

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

State Government is committed to Hardcore Poverty Eradication


In Response of report on NST 6/2/2012 page 6 “This Begs the Question – Normal Sight : Penang govt quizzed about the rising number of vagabonds, beggars”

The criticism of State Government for not doing enough to solve beggar and vagabond by Barisan Nasional coordinator for the Komtar, Loh Chye Teik is ridiculous and baseless.
The State Government has taken few initiatives and plans to curb the problems, which was the first in the country and has never been implemented during previous administration under Barisan Nasional.
These include the implementation of Partners Against Poverty Program and the plan to set up a shelter in Georgetown for vagabond to bathe and put up for nights.
The Partners Against Poverty Program aims to eradicate hardcore poverty in the State. Those households with income less than RM500 or per capita less than RM100 or unmarried individuals with income less then RM300 are given monthly monetary aid by the State Government. It is extra monetary aid in addition to the monthly welfare aid given by the Social Welfare Department.
The State Government has announced achieving of Zero Hardcore Poverty in March 2009 following the monetary aid given to the families which were identified living under hardcore poverty line. The objective of Zero Hardcore Poverty has been achieved since then, despite new cases would exist from time to time, which mostly happens due to sudden lost of income in ones family especially from those came from single source of income.
Loh Chye Teik’s claim of increase of number of beggars in the State is baseless. Social Welfare Department has carried out operations frequently to assist vagabonds and beggars to appropriate institutions or return to their home. The local media have even highlighted many times the State Exco and Chairman for State Welfare Committee, Phee Boon Poh, has personally helped out during various operations.
The beggars who turned up in Penang during recent Chinese New Year were mostly those traveled purposely to Penang from other states as they have learnt that tremendous amount could be collected during the festival due to the generousity of Penangites and visitors. There were also “part time” beggars and syndicates who took advantages during the religious ceremonies where thousands of devotees would give out cash.
Loh Chye Teik should not harp on this issue as he clearly heard of the trend of these part-time and foreign “beggars” turning up at Penang during festive season, which were existed for long time since previous administration.
The State Government will assist anyone that qualified for the poverty eradication program regardless of their race, gender and political beliefs. The State Government responded instantly to cases which were identified by all parties and even those highlighted just through the media.
I wonder if Loh Chye Teik’s claim that there were strategies to overcome beggars problem discussed by Barisan Nasional’s administration in early 2008 before the State were taken over, why it took Barisan Nasional so long before they finalized such strategies after they have been ruling the State for 50 years? Have any other states which are still under the administration of Barisan Nasional adopted the strategies and how were the results?
Lai Hon Meng
Special Assistant to Penang State Exco YB Phee Boon Poh

Thursday, February 2, 2012



一、涂仲仪在他2010年10月11日致槟州联邦发展总监 (首相署执行协调单位属下)的信件提到, 一项原本提供给阿婆的屋租援助金已经从槟岛市政局转换到该总监(槟州联邦发展处)管辖下,因此要求该总监考虑批准继续提供阿婆“屋租援助金”;

二、涂仲仪在以上的信,印着首相署执行协调单位的笺头,而且是用协调员身份发出的,也就是同一个单位发给同一个单位(自己人)的要求信 ;

三、 在以上要求不获回应后,涂仲仪在2011年12月19日致函槟岛市政局法律单位,为阿婆求情,提出让阿婆以分期付款方式偿还其拖欠月的22个租金,却不再向本身所属的首相署州联邦发展处申请已获分配的“屋租援助金”拨款;

四、“屋租援助金”是联邦政府在“消灭城市贫穷计划”下而设立, 在我国308政治海啸前,由房屋与地方政府部管辖,在槟州由两地市政局负责管理和分配。308后,转由联邦直辖区与城市和谐部管辖,管理事务却由首相署执行协调单位属下的联邦发展处处理。涂仲仪理应就是堂堂正正掌握该“屋租援助金”的协调员,惟阿婆的援助金几经辗转后就在国阵政治议程下弄丢了;

五、阿婆曾在2010年从国阵部长丹斯里诺莫哈默耶谷手中领取一张一千四百余令吉的“屋租援助金”, 这款额的分发应归功于槟岛市政局,市政局在2009年至2010年向联邦政府不停追讨最终获得的成绩,惟不幸有关支票却在国阵政治议程下,刻意将收款人发给阿婆,而不是像308之前交至“人民房屋”即廉价租屋的业主---槟岛市政局手中。结果阿婆把一千四百令吉全数用完,一分钱都没交给屋主即槟岛市政局;


涂仲仪在“阿婆的故事”里, 对他本身所属的联邦发展处所拥有的资源,只字不提,更甚的是连“屋租援助金”就在国阵的政治议程下弄糊涂了,也不取回,不敢实事求是,倒是一味往首长、州议会、槟州零赤贫计划身上冷嘲热讽。涂兄,望您能够协助槟州人民,给槟州人民一个交代,把国阵从槟岛市政局(以及威省市政局)手里夺走的援助金管理权交还回来,让我们发给有需人士。
