Monday, June 21, 2010

Federal Ministry's "Denial Syndrome" on School Bag Over Weight Issue

Federal Ministry's "Denial Syndrome" on School Bag Over Weight Issue

卫部:只造成背痛 书包重无关S形脊椎症
二零一零年六月二十一日 下午五时三十九分

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Public Holiday in Conjunction with the "Pengisytiharaan Tapak Warisan Dunia Pulau Pinang"

keywords: Pengisyiharaan Tapak Warisan Dunia Pulau Pinang / Warisan / Georgetown / George Town / World Heritage / Heritage Status / Public Holiday / 7 July / 7 Julai / Pulau Pinang / Penang

Below is Circular from Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF)

MEF Circular AG. 3/2010 : Public Holiday in Conjunction with the "Pengisytiharaan Tapak Warisan Dunia Pulau Pinang"


The Penang State Government has by a Gazette Notification No.809 declared that 7th July each year starting from 2010 as a public holiday for Penang pursuant to section 9(1) of the Holidays Act 1951.

2. Member companies in Penang with collective agreements or terms and conditions of employment which provide for paid public holiday on all public holidays as gazetted by the Federal or State Government will have to observe 7th July as a paid public holiday. Such members who need to operate on 7th July may either substitute, with the agreement of the employee, 7th July with another day as a paid public holiday or pay the employee who works on 7th July the specified rate for work on public holiday as provided under the collective agreements or terms and conditions of employment.

3. Member companies who by virtue of the collective agreements or terms and condition of employment do not observe all the public holidays as gazetted by the Federal or State Government but observe only specified number of public holidays, are not legally obliged to observe 7th July as a paid public holiday.

4. Please be advised that the said public holiday as declared by the State Government is not within the ambit of Section 60D(1)(b) of the Employment Act 1955 as it is not declared under Section 8 of the Holidays Act 1951. Therefore there is no legal requirement to observe the holiday declared by the State Government except in situations as explained in paragraph 2 above.

5. Attached herewith is a copy of the Government Gazette Notification No.809 for your attention.

Thank you.

M. Vivekanandan for Executive Director
